Thursday, January 9, 2014


Whoop Whoop whoopp... how's life?/

yeah finally i got my off night... actually there's no homework for tonight...
Sebenernya masih banyak PR tp untunnya bukan buat besok

minggu yang bener-bener sibuk gue alami sekarang after liburan panjang yang sangat menyenangkan..,,,dan sekarang tibalah hari kamis berarti besok juma'at! my favorite day..
uhhmm bener bener gila nih minggu gue harus cari alat-alat buat praktik yang sungguh ribet?? magnet..kompas..serbuk besi..paku dll oh yeahh for Physics guyyss mm sebenrnya ngga juga sii tp nyarinya itu tuh dalam waktu yang sungguh singkat tp untungnya my father siap siaga.. makasih ya bapak ku tercintaa {}

sekarang masuk ke dalam Kata HIM yang ada di atas... him berarti dia (cowok) hahaha pasti udah tau kan.. ya gue lagi merasakan hal itu..(uknowwhatimean) i like this boy from first day we were in the same class.. just call him gelas..
he's so movie lovers like me...but i dont know everytime i meet him i always looks like an wierd girl coz i'm so nervous but when we're just talking from socmed i feel so comfort..
im so happy coz we alway in the same group for school excercise..not always but often :)
YEAH i will keep this feeling until the right time.. i love to be like this coz it's make my day more amazing.. just me who know this feeling i wish that i could show him but not now.. coz i must focus with my school National Exam and also MY big DREAM to be succsessful person who can change the world specially for my messy INDONESIA! hahah okayy see u for the next post thank uuu byeee

lots of love viraa....

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