Saturday, August 10, 2013


he is a kind person..humble..charming...handsome..cute..gorgeous..funny..and PERFECT!

IDOL...--> WESTLIFE the King of my heart


Hello everybody my name is Virania Syifa Mawar Dina but u can call me Virania or Viraa..whatever --''

today i would like to tell you about my idol..of course u know them guys.. Westlife i love them so much ...
you know westlife is the famous boyband in the world. i love them since 5 years ago... when for the first time i heard their songs i'm fallen in love with them especially one of them.. as u know there was five members in westlife they are Shane Filan as known as a leader, Mark Feehily, Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan and also Bryan McFadden who out from this band at 2004.. 

My favorite member is Mark Feehily...i love him so much.. i just feel my heart beat so fast when for the first time i saw him on If i let u go westlife music video..oh god he is so handsome i love his soft blue eyes.. i love his black hair and he also a kind person.. i think he is PERFECT...

I think Westlife change my life they came when i'm down... the time when my mom was passed away i just find a  CD and i try to listen it oh god i love their songs.. and they also support me with their songs... When i have to confront a National Test for school i listen their songs every single day it makes me better and forget about all the pain and sadness after my mom gone... THANK YOU VERY MUCH WESTLIFE.... i know mark, shane, nicky, kian and also bryan they didn't know me but i know them i know their songs and i adore them so much...
westlife makes me want and enjoy to learn english cause i want to understand their beautiful songs lyrics.. and i can talk with everyone from another country talking about westlife, about their country USA, England, Australia, Malaysia, and many more. they make me see the world oh THANKS again westlifee...

Westlife is my inspration i know the story how they make their dreams come true..its not easy but they got it!!! i just appreciate it and proud with my idol..i'm so happy when i found the conversation in my school books about westlife i was screaming..hahah

Westlife is the first idol and maybe forever for me.. i don't know why? but i have the reason :) .since the first time i just fallen to them and i will always love them... westlife is the only one no other can change them they are legend!!! 

Mark feehily actually he is a gay.. i don't like when people who really doesn't know about him judge him and angry with him.. i'm proud with mark he just want to be him self not to be the other and he just love his life he didn't care about what will people talking about him.. he just love his life!! I PROUD OF U MARKY...
i love mark so much i love his voice,, he also humble and care with his circle.. i didn't really know him but i can saw it ... 

 westlife have split up one year ago at 23rd June 2012 for 14 years they give us a such wonderful songs who can make our day more colorful Thanks westlife!!!even they have split up i'm still love them and forever i will love them!! every single day i listen their wonderful songs... and until right now i often read tweet from Shane Mark Nicky Kian and Brian on twitter and give them support for their new life after split up from Westlife on their twitter..

congrats for new solo mini album for Shane "everything to me" that's a great song i recommended to u guys u have to watch it! and for my Marky everyday i stalk ur twitter babe btw i love ur adoption baby girl Miley she is so cute... i'm waiting for ur solo album and ur new girlfriend/boyfriend  maybe after ur relationship was broke up with Kevin but i hope u will got a girlfriend okee maybe mee but i think i'm too young for u ..LOL hehe:)...for Nicky congrats for news that Goergina is pragnant again and i hope u will have a twin baby girls heheh and also always success with ur carier...for Kian succes with ur carier then with ur little family Jodi and Koa..koa a little Rockin baby boy i love him Kian.. i often look Koa's pic at Jodi's instagram he is really cute....for Brian i'm not hear to much about you sorry but always success with ur carier and ur life especially ur love life...

oke shane nicky mark kian and brian i hope u will hear this from ur heart or maybe read this... sorry i'm not really good with english maybe there are something wrongs with my words i'm sorry i just like to write it..


KEEP CALM AND LOVE WESTLIFE FOREVER for all Westlifer in the world

love u guyss..thanks for reading
 good nitee :)
see u soon..

have a good day <3



Hello everybody...How was ur day??? hope u all great yaa :D

Happy Eid Mubarak For all Moslem in the world yaaaa.... sorry gue telat ngucapin baru sempet nih buka blog ku tercita...

mmm hari ini udah lebaran hari kedua dan gue udah pergi kesana kemari untuk halal bihalal so exited, happy
with this moment and i enjoy it!!!

guys kalo lo lagi baca blog gue pasti lo akan mikir kalo gue orang yang gk religius yg memaknai lebaran atau idul fitri ini hanya untuk seneng2....well i'm not like that i love my religion so much of course my god ALLAH SWT eiiddd balik ke bahasa kita aja yaa gue memaknai idul fitri ini sebagai hari dimana gue kembali menjadi manusia yang suci yaa loo tau kan meminta maaf kepada orang tua pastinya karena sering melakukan kesaahan iyaa kaannnnn?  yaa lah namanya juga manusia

idul fitri hari dimana kita kembali kepada kesucian diri dari segla kesalahan yang telah kita perbuat selama ini..  nah karena itu kita harus minta maaf sama orang-orang disekitar kitaaa... tapi bukan berarti minta maaf itu hanya waktu dul fitri tapi yaa setiap lo ngelakuin kesalahann yan pasti harus minta maaf kan..

terutama orang tua kita deh karena guys yg gue tau ridho allah ada pada orang tua especially mother soo respect your mother guys and make her a queen in ur heart don't let ur girls or boyfriend change ur parents position...Right? of course right cause ur parent is everything oh sorry mungkin ada yg beda pendapat tp itulah pendapat ku guys...

i'm not perfect, beautiful, nice person but i try to be like that and i just wanna tell u about what i'm feeling... love u guysss :)

see u soon...
once more HAPPY EID MUBARAK.. btw minal aidin walfaizin mohon maaf lahir dan batin 
Viraaa xxx

Monday, August 5, 2013


TWITTER --> @virania_feehily
INSTAGRAM --> @virafeehily 
ID LINE --> virafeehily9

THANKS please follow mee friends...   

Sweet Moment

foto ini diambil waktu gue sekeluarga nginep di villa Puncak liburan idul fitri itu gue kaka cantik sama Mamah yang lagi foto dengan senangnya best moment banget foto diambil di kamar villa setahun sebelum mamah meninggal gak nyangka itu foto liburan idul fitri yang terakhir best moment ever I LOVE U MOM LOVE U SO MUCH YOU ALWAYS IN MY HEART...:'''') I HOPE U ARE HAPPY THERE AND GOD KEEP U SAVE IN GOD'S WONDERFUL HEAVEN..AMINNN


YOO..YOO..YOO.. what's up guyss??

Di pagi menjelang malem ini gue gak bisa tidur sekarang jam 11:55 dan gue masih main dengan sahabat rumah my besties laptop...yang setia nemenin gue selalu,,

mauuu curhat niii..
malem ini gue gak bisa tidur masih aja whatsupan sama sobat sobat kelas 8 dulu temen2 guee tuu yang keren gilaa ngomongin musik juga hantu..hiiii whatever lahh gue tetep melek sampe sekarang..nah ni lagi ngetik..

guys dari kemarin pengen banget nulis di blog tapi gak bisa coz  i get ill gue kena cacar air WTH aja gue gak nyangka kena cacar 5 hari yg lalu lah gue kira itu cuma jerawat tapi lama-lama banyak dan rasanya badan gue gak enak gak taunya gue kena cacar..... oh damn gue panik! tuh cacar banyak muncul dimuka loo tau kan bentar lagi mau lebaran dan gue gak tau apa bekas lukanya akan hilang dalam waktu dekat ini i hoppee soo,,,

hari ini gue juga ninggalin kesempatan buat bukber bareng temen2 SD ohh what a pity banget yaaa kangen padahal sama mereka tapi ya mau gimana tetap stay dirumah terus deh..

jadi bosen untungnya ada tugas dari kaka gue untuk ketikin tugas kerjanya soo with pleasure deh gue seneng banget main sama laptop apapun itu let's goo deh kalo sama laptop mah..hahah "kecuali tugas sekolah --' BORIINNGG

dan sekarang nih waktu terus berjalan gue ngobrol sama sobat Rockin gue si Lidya dia ngrimin gue lagu Somebody to Love by queenn asiikkk gilaa brooo dan gak lupa gue pun mengeshare lagu2 westlife di grup WA Cleighter (class eighty eight gorgeous 2013) angkatan kelas 88 thn 2013 kereenn kannn # eaaaa tetap promosiin WESTLIFE dong..btw tadi juga on twitter bentar dari kemarin gak on dan pas gue on banyak mention sama info2 tentang westlife yg gue tinggalin uuuhhh strees guee nyesel brooo tp ya sudahla... heyy plus gue juga ngevote mereka untuk jadi THE FAMOUS BOYBAND !!!! ngevote pasti..

seneng banget gue dapet lagu "SOMEBODY TO LOVE" dari MAWEE alias Lidya my rockin bestfriend itu tuu.... ditambah si LEO ngirimin lagu When I was your man by Bruno mars wahhh lemes guee lagi cinta banget sama tuh lagu pokonya thanks buat semua yang udah menghibur gue hari ini dan balikin mood gue lagi jadi semangat nulis di blog yag gue sangat-sangat kangenin ini...

gue juga lagi line nan nih sama Ghina sepupu kecil gue yang cantik dan suka bergadang hahaah dan sekarang dia udah tidurr....masih kelas 3 diaa

btw anyway busway gue sekarang lagi senyum2 sendiri coz tadi si Lidya cerita tentang Teribble Experiencenya waktu dirumah sakit cipto yang dulu dia sempet ceritain ke gue dengan exitednya wuuhh serem deh kapan2 gue ceritain yaaa...

OKAY dan sekarang pun gue lagi mikirin lebaran nantii gak terasa kayanya cepet banget baru kemarin gue puasa, dan sekarang h-4 menuju hari kemenangan i'm very exited... gue seneng moment itu moment dimana gue minta maaf dengan tulus ke semua orang mensucikan diri dari semua kesalahan yang telah gue perbuat selama ini buat loo ya muslim come on jangan cuma berharap THR and pake baju baru heheh tp liat hal lainyaa

gue berharap banget bisa lebaran bareng orang yang sangat spesial dalam hidup gue yaitu Mama gue yang udah meninggal 3 tahun lalu sedih banget kangen pengen cium dan peluk dia dan gak akan pernah gue lepaskan.. duhh jadi pengen nangis gue kangen banget sama beliau orang yang sangat hebat dan menjadi inspirasi gue setiap hari gue berusaha untuk gak lupa dan gak ketinggalan kasih beliau kado yaitu surat alfatihah yang mungkin bisa menerangkan jalannya aminnnn....

kata nenek gue mama selalu melihat guee dan please mom listen to me ... I LOVE U MORE THAN I LOVE MY SELF but GOD I LOVE THE MOST.. i wish u were here now mom i know you see me and i hope u smile at me now i don't wanna let u cry...okay i love u that words means a lot! 

waktu gue sakit kemarin gue inget mamah banget pengen curhat ke dia kalo gue ngerasain badan gue sakit banget gue bawa rasa kangen itu bersama rasa sakit dibadan gue dan menagis dengan bebasnya untung ada nenek gue yang buat gue kuat dia shalat tahajud yang buat hati gue pun kuat kaya degenggam GUE HARUS KUAT! GAK BOLEH LEMAH thank u  banget bua nenek gue yang sayang banget sama gue dan merawat gue dengan penuh kasih sayang yg selalu mikirin gue makan apa karena rumah kita berjauhan yang udah perhatian sama gue selama ini yang selalu berdoa buat gue dalam shalat-shalat dan doanya yang begitu indah dan khusyu gue berharap ALLAH SWT akan memberinya surga yang indah nanti kelah ia wafat...amainnnn
thanks juga buat kaka sama bapak gue yang udah berusaha bawa gue ke dokter dan cari obat agar gue sembuh.. bener2 sakit ini membuat gue lebih sadar untuk menyayangi mereka lebih lebih dan lebih karena yang bisa gue berikan untuk saat ini hanya kasih sayang, doa serta prestasi agar merek semua bangga... I LOVEE uuu soo muuuchhh my beloved family...

thank u for everythingg....

guys done yaa buat malam yang indah ini senengnya curhat sama kalian teman2 yang gak pernah gue tauu tapi entah mengapa gue lepas banget kalo udah ketemu blog AMBIL POSITIVE NYA YAAA GUYS..see youu soonn SEMANGAT jalanin puasa yang tinggal beberapa hari ini raih hari kemenangan dengan hati yang bersih.. semoga kita bisa bertemu dengan bulan ramadhan tahun depann aminnn,,, thanks for reading my heart talkk.. loveuguyss {bighug}....night

jangan kesiangan bangun sahurrr.... :D love vira xxx)