Thursday, July 25, 2013


Foto bareng sama Afifah yang peke kerudung dan sorry gue lupa sama yang tengah..Itu foto diambil sama temen gue si Barcelonista gendut Rafi haha... waktu lagi rest for a moment di Bandung nungguin pesenan makanan Burger sama stick kentang !!! never forget it very Happy Tour!!!

Never Forget this Moment!

Itu foto gue sama temen temen satu kelompok buat ngerjain tugas TIK yang cowok namanya Moko sampingnya Fina dan yang cantik itu gue....LOL hahah nah yang pake kerudung itu si K-Popers  Zahra sering gue panggil BEAUTY AND THE BEAST dia benci cara gue nyanyi lagu itu pokonya gue buat agak melingking-lengking deh lagu itu soo dia gak suka deh..hahah PEACE ZAH ^^v ....

MY ROCK'IN Bestfriends ^^

haii haiii.... lagi apa kalian semua di siang yang terik ini???!
bagi lo yang beragama islam gue kasih semangat terus jalanin puasanya dan juga jangan lupa shalat jum'at....

hari ini gue pengen cerita tentang 5 sahabat gue yang paling keren sedunia.. haha
gue sangat beruntung masuk ke kelas 88 kelas yang paling keren kece dan asik abis... ditambah gurunya yang nyantai banget MR. BENONIE MATULAMENTEN si doi juga guru gue pas kelas 7 pokonya thank you banget deh pak! di kelas 88 ini gue jadi semakin gilaa..hahaha dan makin tau banyak hal terus gua bisa jadi diri gue sendiri seneng banget deh pokonya!! dan pengalaman gue yang juga gak akan pernah terlupakan dan gue harap bisa jadi selamanya itu ketemu 5 cewek yang keren baik cantik pinter shalehah abiss dan bisa ngertein gue jadi enjoy banget....Mereka sahabat terbaik gue namanayaa... mau tauuu gakk??? mau tau aja?? apaaa mauu tau banget??? (/**)/ hahah LOL...

nih sorry ya agak jail jangan ngambek heheh.. nama mereka LIDYA, ZAHRA, AURA, KARTIKA, RYANDA wuuhh mereka keren keren sob... gue mau ucapain Thank You So Much kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan gue sobat sobat yang baik dan bisa membawa gue ke jalan yang positiff #asiikbahasanya. katanya nya temen-temen sii kita ini pendiem ...tapi broo aslinya kalo udah ngumpul kaya dipasar deh rameeee! banyak banget cerita cerita lucu yang gue lewatin bareng mereka dari yang kerja kelompok selalu bareng, nonton bareng, jalan jalan ke BP alias Bintaro Plaza tempat mainnya anak anak 177 main bareng curhat-curhatan sampe saling negubully satu sama lain...

tapi gak ada tuh marahan atau apaa... mereka tuh asiiik banget deh  kalo lo tau mereka dapet pinternya dapet gaulnya hahah that's true lohh... Kita itu selerenya beda-beda Si lidya sma ryanda suka vocaloid anime gitu deh dari jepang tapi kalo lu tanya mereka"vocaloid itu anime ya??" mereka pasti akan kompak jawab BUKAN!!!! oke fine jangan pernah tanya hal itu lagi... kalo aura sama zahra suka K-POP wuuh kalo udah cerita tentang K-POP itu rame banget heboh sambil gak bisa diem ngomong udah gak ada titik koma deh mereka emang lucu banget sedangkan kartika dia I-POP alias penggermar lagu-lagu indonesia dia suka Coboy Junior... nah kalo gue yaa siapa lagi kalo bukan WESTLIFE..walaupun punya selera yang beda kita tetap rukun kok malah saling dengerin cerita nyaaa....

gue sayang banget sama mereka... mereka itu best from the best lahh... bener bener penglaman yang menakjubkan sayang sekarang kita udah gak satu kelas lagi.. tapi kita tetap solid ko....

*masih banyak cerita yang pengen gue ceritain ke kalian semuaa tenatang perjalanan hidup gue yang colorfull dan tentang 5 sahabat gue tadi i still have a lot of story soo jangan pernah bosen yaaa

okee udah dulu untuk hari ini see youu...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013




Nah itu itu yang namanya Afifah cewek cantik berbehel nan pintar juga berkerudung  BESTFRIEND banget,,,, foto diambil waktu ke Bandung :)


hi... guys..Whats up???

Mungkin bagi lo yang lagi puasa keep calm aja yaa.. hehe gua juga nih lagi sibuk ngebanyangin manisnya kolek terus segarnya es buah yang merupakan menu favorite gue.. haha sorry ya broo jadi bikin lu semua pada laper..

oia udah lama gue ngga ngepost sekarang gue mau cerita nih.. ikutin yuukk :D

Kayanya baru kemarin deh gue pake rok biru panjang terus masuk ke sekolah yang gue idamkan waktu SD dulu lo tau kan SMPN 177 Jakardah alias JAKARTA tepatnya di Bintaro yang keren abis! seneng banget rasanya bisa masuk ke situ dan gak nyangka aja sekarang gue udah kelas 3 soo udah mau lulus, harus belajar extra keras "ya kaaannn broo?..haha
Banyak banget cerita seru yang telah gue lewatin dari kelas 1 sampe kelas 2 yaaa kelas 3 kan baru beberapa minggu.... eh bagi lo yang lagi baca siap siap ambil bantal terus pake selimut.. gue mau dongengin nih,,LOL

oke sekarang gue mau cerita waktu kelas 1 dulu gue termasuk anak yang bisa dibilang pendiem..ciyyuuuss?? *gak tau deh. Tapi kata kaka gue, gue harus bisa bergaul, so gue coba untuk ngobrol pertama kali waktu lagi baris temen pertama gue si Widya Arsining Puri *eh gue masih inget nama panjangnya..hahah dia baik banget pinter and fansnya JUSTIN BIEBER awal-awal sih masih aku kamu.. kita  mulai akrab setelah itu dan duduk bareng...

prinsip gue waktu itu adalah banyak bergaul dan berprestasi #AASSSIIKK....untungnya gue sekelas sama Cut Selviani sobat gue yang paling setia banyangin broo dari TK sampe SMP kelas 1 sekelas... keren emang. Tapi karena gue pengen coba suasana baru gua pilih gak duduk sama dia.. habis itu gue coba ngobrol sama yang lain nih..nih ---> Afifah Mawardah cewek cantik pintar berkerudung dan berbehel *eh maksudnya pake behel yang akhirnya ia lepas ketika kelas 8 #asikk bahasanya! awalnya sangat pendiem tapi aslinya wah ngakak terus ^^v *peace ya fah! dan lo tau gak masa gue selalu lupa sama nama temen sebangkunya Afifah waktu pertama kali kenal gue bisa dalam seminggu nanya nama nya 5 kali gara-gara dia pendiem banget, nyebutin nama aja pelan banget.. dia cantik pinter bisa dibilang kembang desanya 7-2 jelas semua cowok naksir ke dia..btw namanya Dinar Arubi Cantikpintarbaikhatidantidaksombong... panjang gilaa kan. terus berlanjut ke temen baru juga duduknya didepan gue namanya Leo sama Faiq yang udah nempel banget kayaknya awalnya sih lama lama...*sob bingung gue ceritanya...hehe just kidding mereka baik banget dan sekelas lagi sama gue di kelas 8-8. oia dan sekarang mereka berdua tergabung dalam grup Crazy Video Maker beranggotakan  orang orang aneh GHIVA, LEO, FAIQ, ANDHIKA, RENAN, AJI  yg sebagian temen-temen gue kelas 8 yaitu the Qiongs kalo lo mau tau liat aja di YOUTUBE... tapi jujur sob mereka semua asik gila bisa buat lu sehat karena ketawa setiap hari pokonya Moodbooster deh..*eh kok jadi cerita mereka..lanjut..lanjut --" hehe

pokonya dikelas 7 itu seruuuuu banget gue pun bisa akrab sama temen2 dengan cepat... gue juga buat grup namanya DAVA= Dinar Afifah Vira Aksha... itu nama -nama kitaa akhsa itu cowok orangnya asik pinter K-popers sejati suka banget sama ryewook personil suju..lo tau gak..itu..tuu BOYBAND ASAL KOREA SUPER JUNIOR YANG BERANGGOTAKAN awalnya 13 sekarang 11... btw si dinar juga k-popers dia suka leeteuk dari suju juga tapi sekarang sudah hijrah jadi suka G-Dragon personil bigbang! awalnya gue sama afifah gak suka sama k-pop tapi what the heaven aja! sekarang jadi ngefans sama personil suju yang gue sebut ABANG KYUHYUN...hahah..... 

nah sebenernya gue masih pengen cerita banyak tapi ini saat nya gue untuk menutup laptop ini dan berkutik dengan sahabat atau yang gak bisa disebut sahabat yaitu BOOK biasalah PR...see you soon yaaa ;D love uu guys {}bighug :* LOL hahah pokonya see you soon semoga bertambahlah pahala lo yang baca blog guee aminnnn dong kan lagi puasa semoga terkabul... ^^v peace SEE U SOON!!!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fan Fiction about Westlife :)

If I Let You Go

story written by Mariam

You woke up on a fine day in July. The sun was shining brightly out of your window. You jumped out of your bed and called your best friend. This definitely wasn't a day to waste at home. You thought you might go to the park with your mate.
"The park?! What will we be doing in the park?!"
Your friend complains on the phone.
"Oh come on, zahra ! It's gonna be a nice day to spend in the park, and besides there might be a few cute boys there we can talk to!"
"Well, yeah? No cuter than Westlife!"
You both start laughing. She's absolutely right. Westlife are the most adorable lads you've ever seen. You're both Westlife fans and you don't think or talk of anything else but those gorgeous lads, especially your babe .
"Ok then! Fine! I'll meet you in at 12!"
You hang up the phone and look at your alarm clock. It's still 10:00 am. You decide to go shopping for a while…
After 2 hours, you were holding two bags in your hands, full of clothes and stuff. You look in your watch.
"Oh my gosh!" you say. You're late and you still need to freshen up a little. You hurry back home. On your way you bump into a guy and one of your bags falls to the ground. "Oh, I'm really sorry!" The guy says, bending down to help you. You just nod for an answer. You're in haste. You didn't even glance at him. But you noticed that he was wearing a black cap. You just flash him a small smile and turn to go.
You were in a hurry that's why you didn't notice that it was actually kian from Westlife you've just bumped into. You rush up and jump in the shower. You pick up a nice, pink dress. You have to look your best today, though you don't know why. But something is telling you that this is going to be the luckiest day of your life.
kian was still standing in his place. He couldn't believe that a minute ago, he bumped into the girl of his dreams.
"Hey kian !" He turns around and finds . He immediately grabs him.
" !" he shouts.
"What?!" says, not knowing what's going on.
"Have you seen that girl?"
sighs. "Oh come on kian ! I guess you were standing here for a little too long! Enough with your fantasies! Let us go some place nice!"
drags kian and they both head to the park.
You reach the park and meet your friend there. You take a seat by the lake and start talking, well about Westlife.
"Wait here! I'll go buy ice-cream!" you suggest. You still didn't see kian and at the ice-cream stand.
" !" kian gasps. "That's her!"
"Huh?" says confused and looks to where kian is pointing. He sees a lovely girl in a pink summer dress heading to them.
"I told you she was gorgeous! I can't go talk to her!" kian panics. "Do it for me, ! Ask for her name!"
"No problem shy boy!" smiles.

" Vira !" your friend gasps. "Look! It… it's Westlife!"
"Oh come on, zahra ! Enough with your fant… OH MY God!" you scream.
"Oh, Vira ! Look, I see coming to us! What shall we do? What shall we do?"
"I… I don't know! Just act normal!"
"I'll try!"
"Hi!" smiles.
"H-hi!" you both say, nervously with stupid smiles.
"Em… I'm !"
You start chatting. Of course you were nervous at first, but then you got along really well together.
"Hey, you girls want to go out for dinner tonight with the rest of the lads!"
"Oh, yeah!" you both burst out.

You look in the mirror. You're wearing a black dress and your hair was worn up. You hear the beeping of a car and rush down the stairs.
You can't believe that you're sitting with Westlife at the same table. Well, kian didn't come yet. You and zahra were chatting with the lads as if you knew him for years, and everything went on well. Then vinna asked zahra for a dance and went with some other girl. You and were left alone.
"I wonder why kian didn't come yet!" says. "I really wanted you to meet him!"
"It's Ok!" you smile.
"We're really great friends! We're always together! I wanted you two to get to know each other, but he told me he'd do his best to join us! It must be something really important he has to do or otherwise he would've come with me!"
"Are you that close?"
smiles. "Would you like to dance?"
"I'd love to!" You tell him and he takes you to the dance floor.
"Do you come to the park often?" asks.
"Then how about we meet again tomorrow?"
"Sure!" You smile. You and were getting along so well, and you became close friends instantly.
It was hard to sleep at night. You had a great time with . He's really very sweet. You stayed all night thinking about him.
The next morning you wake up you look at your window and smile. You're so excited about meeting again today. You've missed him since last night…
When you reach the park, you look around for . You see zahra talking to a bunch of boys. She's really courageous when it comes to boys, not much like you.
Finally you spot . You see him smiling at you. You smile back. He sat next to you and you start talking.
"Oh, there's kian !" suddenly says. You turn and see kian coming to you.
"Hi!" he says.
"Hey, kian ! That's my friend Vira who I wanted you to meet!"
kian smiles at you. " How are you, Vira ?"
You smile sheepishly. "Fine, thanks!"
"There's zahra !" says getting up. "I'll go say hello to her!"
" told me about you! You really seem to be a sweet girl!" kian says when left.
"Thanks!" you say shyly. kian is really a cute boy, you thought. You both started to talk. You saw chatting with zahra . From that day, you start to meet everyday in the park. You spend most of your time with kian , and zahra with . You also went out for dinner quite a few times together. And you felt you were the luckiest girl in the world to have a romantic boy like kian all night.

"Oh, Vira !" zahra says smiling to you. "You don't know what happened today at the park! kissed me!"
"He did?!" you say excitedly leaning closer to her. "Wow! I'm really glad for ye, zahra !" You sit back in your seat and sigh. "And you know what, too?"
"What?" zahra asks anxiously.
" kian kissed me, too!"
"Oh, Vira !" zahra yells happily and hugs you. "I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I can't believe this is finally happening to us! I really like so much!"
You smile. "And kian is great, too!"
You both laugh gleefully and throw your arms around each other. and zahra became an item then. And as for kian and you, you stayed together, as well.
Once you were sprawled out in front of the TV when the door bell rang. You went to answer and surprisingly you find standing in front of you.
" !" you say. "Come in!"
He settles on a couch and you sit next to him.
"Where's zahra ?" you ask. "I thought she was with you!"
"Nah! She's hanging out with some of her mates!" sighs.
"Would you like a drink?"
"Yes, please!"
You go to your kitchen. You're really glad that is here. You take a couple of cans from the fridge and sit next to him. You start talking and you become more lively every minute. You have a few fits of laughs as well.
You were having so much fun that you didn't realize the hours pass by. You were now a little quiet than before. You guess you were tired from all that fooling around.
" Vira … eh…" says before he leaves. "Well I've been… uh… maybe later! Goodnight!" he says sweetly and kisses your cheek. Your whole body tingled with excitement.
"Uh… Goodnight, !"
You lie on your bed and sigh. You don't think of anything else but .
His adorable smile just takes you to another world. You had a wonderful night together and you can't wait to see him again.
There's a party at vinna 's place tonight. You get ready and wait for zahra to come and pick you up. When you reach the party, you see that a lots of people were there already. zahra goes to , and you go looking for kian . He isn't anywhere around. You sighed and looked for anything interesting to do.
takes zahra to a corner.
"Come on tell me, !" zahra giggles. "What is it you want to say?"
puts his hand in his pocket and takes out a lovely diamond ring.
zahra gasps.
"Does this mean anything?"
"It's an engagement ring! Will you accept it?"
zahra throws her arms around him. "Yes! Yes!" she yells. "What's going on?" anita comes out of nowhere, followed by . They catch them both kissing and find out about everything.
" kian ! vinna ! Guys!" comes racing through the door. " and zahra are getting engaged!" he yells. They all whistle as they see and zahra return, hand in hand.
Your heart sank. You couldn't believe it. Now you know how much meant to you. You were hurting from deep inside, but you tried your best not to show it. You swallowed hard and went to vinna .
"Hey, vinna !" you tried to smile. "Is it true? Are and zahra getting engaged?"
vinna grins. "Yes they really are, Vira ! Gosh, I'm so happy for him!"
"Yeh… I am… too!"
You see standing alone by a corner. He smiles at you when he sees you coming.
" ! Is it true what I've just heard, you and zahra !"
"Yeh! It was unexpected, isn't it?"
"I guess so! You never told me anything about it!"
"Well, I wasn't really sure of my feelings yet! But now I'm sure that I love zahra and want to spend the rest of my life with her!"
You turn away, hiding the tear that fell from your eye.
"I'm glad for you!"
You feel 's hand on your shoulder, but you shrug it away and rush up to vinna 's bedroom.
kian was watching all this, and he knew exactly what's been on your mind.
Your heart ached whenever you see with zahra . You felt happy for her. She's your best friend and wanted the best for her. You still went out with kian and tried not to think of .
You're lying on your bed, thinking. A tear ran down your face. You missed . He seemed to be much into zahra that he forgot all about you. You jump as you hear your doorbell. You wipe away your tears and get up. You open the door and nearly fell when you saw . You didn't expect him to come. His face was pale and his hair was a little messed up. He smiles weakly.
"Hi!" you say and walk aside to let him in.
"What is it, ?"
He sighs. "Nothing, I'm just tired!"
"Right! Tell me, , what's wrong? Is anything happened between you and zahra ?"
didn't answer. You bite your lip. You didn't like that look in his eyes.
"Me and zahra fight a lot! It seems that we don't have much things in common!"
You move closer to and touch his shoulder. "It's just that you still didn't get used to each other well yet! But as time passes you both will soon get along well!"
"I say so, too! But I don't think we'll work out!"
"Oh, ! Don't say that! You know there's nothing that can part between you two as long as you love each other!"
You remain silence for a while. "So you want a drink?"
looks up to you and smiles. You get up to get some drinks. When you return, you find standing by the open window. You stay in your place, staring at him. He looked so wonderful under the moonlight. His blue eyes sparkle and his hair moves gently by the soft wind. He remains motionless. He didn't seem to notice you yet. Then you hear him singing softly. You listen to the words…
Night after night
I hear myself say
Why can't this feeling just fade away
There's no one like you
You speak to my heart
It's such a shame we're worlds apart…

enters the flat he shares with kian . He founds him lying on the couch.
"Hey!" says, settling down next to kian .
"You know kian , you weren't yourself lately!"
"I guess so! Same to Vira !"
gives him a confused look. "I don't get it!"
kian gets up and stands opposite to , his eyes staring fixedly at him.
"We've been mates for a long time now, , and I don't want to hate you!"
becomes even more confused. "Hate me? Why do you say that, kian ?"
"Because the only girl I love, loves you !"
stares at kian , surprised. He's speechless for a moment.
" Vira loves you, , and you didn't notice it!"
didn't know what to say. kian puts his hand on his shoulder.
"I know there's something about you, too! I think you should talk to her!"
kian tells him and goes to his room.

You and zahra were round vinna watching a movie. zahra then goes to the bathroom. At that moment the phone rang and vinna answered it.
"Hey, vinna ! It's me ! zahra 's in the bathr…"
"Is Vira here?"
" Vira ? Oh, yes!"
vinna hands you the phone and you take it from him, puzzled.
"Hi !" you say.
" Vira ! I need You! I really need to talk to you!"
"Oh OK! When? Where? Now?! At the park?"
"Yes, please, hurry!"
"Ok, I will! Bye!"
You hang up the phone and leave to go to the park.
"Hey, vinna ! I heard was on the phone!" zahra says entering the room.
"Yeh! He wanted Vira !"
"He wanted Vira ?! And where is she now?"
"She left!"

You see walking by the lake. You go to him.
"Hey!" he says when he sees you coming. You walk in silence beside him.
"Well, I guess you're wondering why I bought you here! Actually, I've wanted to tell you something!"
You hold your breath.
"I… don't think that zahra 's the one I love!"
You stare at him speechless. You didn't understand what was going on.
" Vira …" he continues quietly. "I realized something. Something that was there all along inside of me, yet I didn't notice it."
You become more confused. " … I" you start to say, but he place his finger on your lips.
"There's another girl in my life, I think I always felt something for her.
But there was something that kept us apart, and kept me from noticing that I truly love her…"
You frown and instantly turn your back to . You start to breathe heavily.
"Why are you telling me that?" you say abruptly. You were shaking all over.
"All I wanted to tell you is… that girl is you!"
You turn and stare at him in disbelief.
" Vira … I've always loved you, from the moment I saw you I knew that you were the one for me. But I thought that it's not possible for us to be together, I don't know why! I thought that zahra was only a picture of you! But you were there all the time; in front of my eyes; I was blind not to see that you're the one I love; not zahra ! I love you, Vira .."
You didn't know what to do. You're eyes were filled with tears. You couldn't believe this has happened, you wish it hasn't. You turn away from him in tears and couldn't help but run. He tries to stop you, but you run as fast as you can. You don't look behind you.
You finally reach vinna 's house. You go in breathlessly and quickly wipe away your tears. You find kian and vinna looking at you in astonishment. You turn away and go to vinna 's room. Closing the door behind you, you lie on his bed and cover your face between your arms. Your hear someone enter the room. You stand up at once and brush a tear from your cheek.
"Where have you been?" you hear zahra 's voice from behind you. She seems upset.
"You were with , weren't you?"
You turn and face zahra .
"How long were you two been seeing each other behind my back!"
"We weren't going out together! He just wanted to tell me something…" you stop.
"What did he tell you?"
You don't answer.
"He wanted to tell you that he no longer loves me right?"
You freeze. You don't know what to say.
"That he loves you instead!" zahra screams and runs out of the room. You throw yourself on the bed and cry.
"What's gong on?" you hear kian from out of the room. Then you hear vinna 's voice.
"You won't believe what has done!" you hear zahra sobbing. You get up from the bed instantly and lean on the door.
" is a cheater! I once saw him once kissing a girl, and then later I saw him with a different girl! And now he wants to dump me for my best friend!" zahra yells. You're shocked. How could she do such a thing! didn't do anything and you're sure of it. You go out of the room. "Where's zahra ?" you ask vinna .
"She shut herself in her room! Tell me, Vira , what happened really!
never does anything like that!"
"I know you!" you say quietly and enter zahra 's room.
"What do you want?" she yells.
"Why did you do that, zahra ? didn't do any fault!"
"He's leaving me for you! You know what that means? He's leaving me for my best friend, my only true friend! The one I've always trusted! And you expect me to be Ok about it?!" she growled at you. You feel guilty every time she said a word.
"I hate you, Vira ! I hate both of you! I hate you!"
At that point you couldn’t take it anymore. You run out of the room and nearly fell as you bumped into someone. You find yourself I in arms staring down at you with pleading eyes. You struggle away from him and start running. You run out of the house, through sidewalks and across the streets. Till you reached the park. You don't have anymore strength to run. You come to a bridge and stare into the water. It rippled as your tears fell.
Suddenly you feel 's hand on your shoulder.
" …" you sob. "We can't be together! zahra 's my best friend and I don't want us to lose her! Isn't it enough that she hates me now?"
softly wipes away your tears. You didn't want to look in his eyes. " , I don't think we can see each other again! I'm sorry" you burst out in tears and run away.
On a late afternoon someone knocks on your door. It was zahra . You were surprised because she never talked to you after what has happened.
" zahra …" you say surprised.
"I don't want you to say anything! I just want you to come with me!"
She takes you to the bridge, to where you were talking to . You didn't understand what was going on. Then you spot at the end of the bridge. He was standing motionless, staring down in the water. You look astonished to zahra . You become even more confused as you see her smiling at you.
"Nothing can come between us!" she says, still smiling. You both hug and you start going to slowly. He sees you coming and walks over to you. You both end up running to each other. He opens up his arm and you throw yourself into them. He holds you close to him. Then you both look into each others eyes, and finally you're lips meet in a passionate kiss…